
Last Thanksgiving, my friends' daughter, Luca, brought us special ribbons from Brazil and explained that we needed to tie the ribbons around our wrists with three knots and with each knot make a wish. She told us that our wishes would come true when the ribbons fell off. I chose an orange ribbon and, though I don't remember who tied it onto my wrist, I remember each of my wishes clearly. My ribbon has not yet fallen off but one of my wishes has already come true.

This time last year, I felt trapped in my job, desperate and hopeless. Leaving my job seemed impossible, as likely as waking up to find a unicorn eating corn flakes at my dining room table.

But I closed my eyes and as the ribbon was tied tightly around my wrist, I wished.

So much can happen in a year.

I sit here in wonder as I reflect on the fact that I did, in fact, do the impossible - I walked away from my career and into the arms of the unknown.

For that reason, I am filled with gratitude today. I am thankful for my loving and supportive partner who pushed me along, for all of my friends who listened and patiently urged me to leave, for the privilege that has allowed me to do this.

I don't know what the next year will hold but I still have two more wishes.

The ribbon is fraying and I am ready to make those last two wishes come true.